mercredi 20 février 2013


I also need to say that I have omitted to write the source, I hope that those who are the author will forgive me, nevertheless, having read in FB many "quote" fromthe Book of Enoch I decide to post this texts. Thanks be to Yehowah who has given us a brain and a sound mind in Mashiavh Yehoshua.

Book of Enoch
True or fiction ?
            A.        There was an explanation of Genesis 6:4 that this person found objectionable.
                        1.         “Sons of God” can refer to angels (Job 1:6) or to the righteous (Hosea 1:10)
                        2.         Some claim angels intermarried with humans to produce giant half-breeds, but Yehoshua stated that angels do not marry - Mark 12:25
                                    a.         Makes sense since angels are spiritual, not physical beings.
                        3.         “Nephilim” does mean “giants” but it can mean giants in stature or giants in fame, as in “he was a giant among men.” Genesis 6:4 tells us which at the end of the verse.
                        4.         Also notice that the Nephilim came first, then the “sons of God” married the “daughters of men.” Most purposely ignore the time order.
                        5.         Thus the conclusion is that righteous people intermarried with worldly people giving the predictable result of less and less godly people in the world, as stated inGenesis 6:5
            B.        What this person couldn’t believe is that the Book of Enoch was not considered.
                        1.         “Why did the church suppress the Book of Enoch? After all, there are various references to Enoch throughout the Old and New Testament ... There are those who believed all the giant offspring and offspring of the fallen angels were destroyed during the flood. Not true. The Philistines were hybrids, giants i.e. Goliath. As were most of the races that Joshua and Israel had to conquer once Israel were freed from Egypt. The giants never went out of existence, they just went "underground" to return later, now, during these last days. ...”
                        2.         As the letter continued it got worse, showing an inability to separate fantasy from reality. For example, at the end he was claiming that Nephilim were shape-shifters and that the recent X-men movie proves they are making a re-appearance.
            C.        But I want to address the question regarding the Book of Enoch. Why was this book rejected as Scripture?
II.        The History of the Book of Enoch
            A.        Listed as a pseudoepigraphal work. i.e. a work with a false author (or written under a pen name).
                        1.         There are a number of these works dating from the time between the Old and New Testament through the first few centuries.
                        2.         It appears to have been a writing fad for a while.
                        3.         People used the names of famous people, such as characters from the Bible, to lend credibility to the work – to make it appear more authentic.
            B.        Very few people actually believe the book to have been written by Enoch.
                        1.         For it to have existed all those years, it would have had to survive the flood.
                        2.         "I am aware that the Scripture of Enoch, which has assigned this order of action to angels, is not received by some. For it is not admitted into the Jewish canon, either. I suppose they did not think that, having been written before the deluge, it could have safely survived that worldwide calamity, the destroyer of all things. If that is the reason for rejecting it, let them remember that Noah, who survived the deluge, was the great-grandson of Enoch himself ... There is still this consideration to warrant our assertion of the genuineness of this Scripture: [Noah] could equally have rewritten it, under the Spirit's inspiration, if it had been destroyed by the violence of the deluge." [Tertullian, about 198 A.D.]
            C.        Tertullian admits that the Jews never accepted the Book of Enoch as authentic and that Christians of his time also rejected it.
                        1.         Some apologists for the Book of Enoch state that the book was well know by early Christian writers.
                        2.         True, but they neglect to state that most rejected the book as being from God.
                        3.         Athanasius, Origen, and Jerome all argued against the book being considered Scripture.
                        4.         In fact it appears that only Tertullian and Augustine thought the work was inspired and Augustine waffled on the point.
                        5.         Though the Roman Catholic Church added twelve books to their Old Testament, this book wasn’t considered – likely because of the early rejection.
            D.        Actually, there are several books that go by the name “The Book of Enoch”
                        1.         Most refer to copies of a book found in 1773 in Ethiopia.
                        2.         These copies are a translation of a Greek text that was in turn a translation of an Aramaic or Hebrew text.
                        3.         Small fragments of this large book were found among the Dead Sea scrolls
                                    a.         Parts of chapter 2, verses 12-14 and chapter 3 verse 13-16
                                    b.         But the book has 108 chapters.
                                    c.         There were also other documents which cited portions of the Book of Enoch, showing that the book existed.
                                    d.         But with such small amount of text, it must be emphasized that we don’t know how the complete book of Enoch read in Aramaic.
                        4.         Most scholars date the book to between 300 B.C. and 100 B.C.
                        5.         Larger portions of the book survived in Greek, but again, not nearly the whole. They also date from a later period (after the church was founded).
                        6.         The only whole version are the Ethiopian translations.
                                    a.         A comparison of the Ethiopian translations to the Aramaic and Greek fragments show the Ethiopian translation is fairly, but not entirely, accurate.
            E.        Most scholars note that the Book of Enoch, as it currently exists, is a disjointed work.
                        1.         It doesn’t have a unifying flow, such as would be found in the writings of one author.
                        2.         It is generally agreed to be a composition of several works by multiple authors, but exactly who wrote which portions is heavily debated.
III.       Why are people interested in the Book of Enoch?
            A.        Jude 14-15
                        1.         Notice that Jude doesn’t state he is quoting from a writing of Enoch
                        2.         Since multiple Enochs are mentioned in the Bible, he clarifies which one he is quoting.
            B.        How could Jude know what Enoch said 4,000 years later?
                        1.         Jude is inspired, so therefore the obvious answer is that God told him - I Corinthians 2:12-13
                        2.         Same reason how Moses, ascribed to be the recorder of Genesis, was able to write words of people who lived hundreds of years before him.
            C.        Enoch 1:9: “And behold! He cometh with ten thousands of His holy ones to execute judgment upon all, and to destroy all the ungodly: and to convict all flesh of all the works of their ungodliness which they have ungodly committed, and of all the hard things which ungodly sinners have spoken against Him.”
                        1.         People get all excited by this line. Jude must be quoting from the Book of Enoch!
                        2.         Note that the quote is not a literal reproduction, even allowing for multiple translations.
                        3.         Jude says God will judge all and convict the ungodly among them.
                        4.         The Book of Enoch says God is judging all and will convict all of their ungodliness. Not quite the same.
            D.        Is the Ethiopian copies a bad translation? Then can we trust the rest?
            E.        Do we say Jude is bad a quoting? Then it wouldn’t be an inspired book and then what happens to the support for the Book of Enoch?
            F.        Did the Book of Enoch record Jewish oral tradition and Jude supplied the correct quote? If it was from oral tradition, then it is amazing that the Israelites managed to preserve the statement that close to accurate for so long.
            G.        Interestingly, none of the fragments, Aramaic or Greek, contain Enoch 1:9.
                        1.         The only version to have it are the Ethiopian copies.
                        2.         There is insufficient evidence whether the phrase is in the original Book of Enoch or whether a person knowledgeable of Christianity “enhanced” an older version.
            H.        Because the quote in Jude is unstable evidence, people have tried to prop up their cause by stating that the New Testament is filled with allusions to the Book of Enoch.
                        1.         By this, they mean that they compiled a set of catch phrases and conclude that books using similar catch phrases must come from the Book of Enoch.
                        2.         For example, several cited the use of the phrase “son of man.”
                                    a.         But this phrase is used heavily in Ezekiel.
                                    b.         It is used in the Psalms a few times in reference to the Messiah
                        3.         A person trying to forge the biblical style will of course use wording similar to the Bible. However, it doesn’t serve as proof. You can’t conclude who borrowed from whom.
IV.      Could the Book of Enoch be Scripture?
            A.        If the date of 300 B.C. to 100 B.C. is correct, then it comes during the years of silence.
                        1.         Amos 8:11-12 - God said He would stop talking to the Israelites.
                        2.         Micah 3:5-7 - It was because of all the false prophets. It would prove who was true and who was false.
                        3.         Malachi was the last Old Testament prophet. Until the coming of John and Yehoshua, prophecy disappeared.
                                    a.         The Jews knew this.
                                    b.         I Maccabees 9:27: “So there was great distress in Israel, such as had not been since the time that prophets ceased to appear among them.”
                                    c.         I Maccabees 14:41: “The Jews and their priests have resolved that Simon should be their leader and high priest forever, until a trustworthy prophet should arise.”
                        4.         If the Book of Enoch was written in the years of silence, then it follows that it could not have been an inspired book because no prophets existed.
            B.        Could it have been truly written by Enoch?
                        1.         This would make it the oldest piece of Scripture – long predating the writings of Moses.
                        2.         But there is not one mention of the Book in the Old Testament. Nothing until the years of silence.
                        3.         How could ancient writing of God disappear? Would God have allowed it?
                        4.         Psalm 119:152 - God’s words are forever.
                        5.         Isaiah 40:8 - God’s words do not fade away.
                        6.         Matthew 5:17-18 - Yehoshua stated that not the smallest mark of the Old Testament would disappear before it is fulfilled.
                        7.         Yet the Book of Enoch apparently was gone for thousands of years, showed up for a few hundred years and then disappeared again for another 1,500 years or so. This isn’t what God said about His word!
            C.        If it was written during the years of silence, then it’s claim to be written by Enoch is a falsehood.
                        1.         John 17:17 - God’s word is truth
                        2.         II Timothy 3:16 - Scripture comes from the breath of God
                        3.         I Corinthians 2:12-13 - God gives the very words
                        4.         Titus 1:2 - God cannot lie
                        5.         Thus God would not record a message under a false name, nor would there ever have been a need to do so. God doesn’t need the reputation of Enoch to enhance His message!
            D.        Does it match the Bible?
                        1.         Deuteronomy 13:1-3 - God’s messages are always consistent.
                        2.         Time line wrong
                                    a.         Using Genesis 5, we know that Enoch was born about 622 years after the creation. He lived 365 years before God took him - Genesis 5:23-24
                                    b.         Enoch 107:2-3 (Enoch speaking to Methuselah): “'And now, my son, go and announce to thy son Lamech, that this son who is born is really his, and that this is not a falsehood.' And when Methuselah had heard the words of his father Enoch -- for he had shown him everything that was secret -- he returned, after his having seen him, and called the name of that son Noah, for he will make glad the earth for all destruction.”
                                    c.         Noah was born about 1056 years after the creation, 69 years after Enoch left the earth!
                                    d.         According to the Bible, this event could not have happened!
                        3.         Knowledge about angels wrong
                                    a.         The Book of Enoch has angels marrying earthly women (chapter 6)
                                    b.         Mark 12:25 - Angels don’t marry
                        4.         Knowledge about the origin of sin is wrong
                                    a.         The Book of Enoch states that the intermixing of angel and human seed created sin and the angels spread sin by teaching forbidden topics to men. Lamech is told to hide so that his pure seed could be preserved. God would then wipe the world with a flood, thus removing sin (chapter 8-10).
                                    b.         I John 3:4 - Sin comes from breaking the law
                                    c.         Romans 5:12 - Sin began when one man broke God’s law and continued because all sin
                                    d.         By the way, the questioner’s statement that the mixed seed was not completely wiped out by the flood contradicts both the Bible and the Book of Enoch. Only eight people were saved and the Book of Enoch says that none of the mixed race survived Iin fact they were supposed to have wiped themselves out before the flood in some epic battle.)
                        5.         Knowledge of the realm of the dead is wrong
                                    a.         The Book of Enoch states that the grave is divided into four realms:
                                                (1)       Righteous martyrs, such as Abel
                                                (2)       The righteous who were not martyrs
                                                (3)       Sinners who died without suffering the consequences of their sins
                                                (4)       Sinners who died after suffering from the consequences of their sins.
                                    b.         Of the last group, it says, “but their spirits shall not be slain in the day of judgment nor shall they be raised from thence” (Enoch 22:13)
                                    c.         Luke 16:19-31 shows hades divided into two states.
                                    d.         John 5:28-29 - All the dead, good and bad will be judged
                                    e.         Acts 24:15 - This was Paul’s hope, a resurrection of the just and unjust
            E.        It has internal contradictions
                        1.         Enoch 6:7-8 gives a list of 19 angels who lead the fall of man.
                        2.         Enoch 69:2-3 gives a list of 21 angels who were supposed to be the same group. Not only are there more names, the names are almost completely different!
                        3.         God could not be behind such a book!
V.        The Book of Enoch is the product of man
            A.        It was rightly rejected as uninspired writing.

Facts or fictions ?

Over time, periodically, people have asked this or that about the Book
of Enoch. Having been busy with the VW-edition the past couple years, I
did not wish to be diverted to spend the time to read it; so have always
answered the queries with, "I don't know". But now that it is finished,
I took a few hours to skim/read through what I was able to find posted
on the internet, labeled as "1 Enoch". I don't know if that means
there's also 2 and/or 3? But what was in "1 Enoch" was 'quite' enough!

1 Enoch is a book full of "doctrines of demons" (1Tm4:1) and is
dedicated to satan and his demons. Furthermore, I seriously doubt it was
written by anybody during Enoch's time; Judas' quote, notwithstanding
(Ju1:14-15); which will be addressed near the end.

I realize that there are theories as to the book's origins. I don't know
about them, nor do I have time to research the matter. The book speaks
for itself. Just as most cults and other teachers of false doctrine can
be ascertained usually within a few minutes of browsing their materials,
without the need to dig deeply, thus is also the case with this book. My
reading was on-the-surface, and I found plenty, without needing to dig
deeply into the "depths of satan". (Rev2:24)

To keep this simple, let's observe the things I notated as I read, in
order, and then I'll make a few closing remarks. These examples are
representative of what is in the book. It is -full- of things just like
what we will observe here:

Section I
1:5     It names "Mt Sinai". Let's remember that Enoch lived before the
        flood, and was "translated" (Heb11:5) about 700 years before the
        flood. Most of earth's current geological features came about
        because of the flood. Thus, did Sinai even exist before the

2:3     Mentions "summer and winter". The seasons did not come to
        be until after the flood. (Gen8:22)

2:3     Speaks of "rain". Again, before the flood, it did not rain, but
        a "mist" watered the earth. (Gen2:5-6)

4:1     Another mention of "summer"

6:6     Names "Mt Hermon". For the same reasons as Sinai (above); did it
        yet exist during Enoch's time? Thus, the notion that it was not
        written by Enoch, but by people after the flood.

10:20   God telling angels (Michael) to cleanse the earth from sin...not
        Yehoshua? It is "..the blood of Yehoshua Messiah His Son" that        
        "cleanses us from every sin." (1Jn1:7)

10:21   With this cleansing the angels will be "righteous".
        The Bible says that righteousness comes from God through Messiah.
        (2Cor5:21) and it is the "righteousness of God" (Rom3:22); not
        angels. Angels are "ministers". (Heb1:7,14)

13:4    The demons ask Enoch to intercede for them. Since when? If
        anything, Paul informs us that the saints  will "judge" the
        angels (demons are fallen angels). (1Cor6:3)

13:7    Mentions the "land of Dan". Israel did not yet exist.

13:10   Enoch reprimands the angels. Judas1:8-10 speaks of this. It
        would seem that this passage provides the basis for those Judas
        condemns, who "speak evil of dignitaries"; and gives the
        example how Michael, even, would not rebuke satan, but says,
        "The Lord rebuke you". (Ju1:9) Since Enoch "walked with God"
        it seems highly unlikely he would have done this.

Section II
39:1    Holy children mixing seed with the children of men. I don't
        quite have an answer to this one, because men become "holy"
        through faith in Messiah. And if there are "holy" ones, and
        sinners, the holy ones are not to be "unequally yoked" with
        unbelievers. (2Cor6:14)  The place where Scripture speaks of
        the mixing of seed with humanity is in Gen6:1-2, and that was
        a bad thing, part of the corruption, for which reason God
        destroyed the world with the flood. The only other similar
        kind of passage in Scripture is Dan2:43; and there, too, the
        context of end events is NOT 'good'.

67:2    Angels make a "wooden" something-or-other (missing word)
        "preserve seed" And yet, Scripture is quite clear, that -NOAH-
        built the ark at God's command. (Gen6:14~)

Note:   Throughout the entire book, the emphasis is on 'angels' and
        'spirits'. Angels do things, give commands, and are listed and
        named. The kind of recognition given to great men, by listing
        and recording names. Not very much at all about God. It's as if
        God is somehow 'incidental'...but the main activity is being
        done by angels. I suspect, if a person were to study the book
        more in-depth (which I will not do), one would find the seeds
        of how most pagans, catholics, and other liturgically-based
        beliefs view angels. Setting them up to be worshiped. The book
        has the feel of a document intended to 'teach' people about
        things not really intended for man at this time: "..worship of
        angels, intruding into those things which he has not seen.."

Section III
        This section seems to plant the seeds for astrology.

        There is a lot of mention of "portals" where the sun and moon
        rise and set throughout the seasons. As I read, I found it
        quite easy to visualize Stonehenge and other such structures
        that exist around the world; how these "portals" could easily
        have been the 'openings' between those stone pillars. I don't
        know if there is any basis to this, but it was easy to see a
        potential parallel there.

72:3    Speaks of how the sun rises and sets...not earth rotating?

72:5    At night, the sun returns through the north to get back to the

72:5    Sun riding chariot...   how pagan is that?!  Josiah, when
        cleansing the land of idolatry "burned the chariots of the
        sun with fire" (2Ki23;11)

72:37   Proclaims the sun and moon to be equal in size. Scripture would
        not proclaim such a scientific error.

77:1    South where Most High will descend...Messiah comes "east to west"
        "For as the lightning comes out of the east and flashes to the
        west, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be." (Mt24:27) 

80:1    All the things about the universe, planets (Enoch is even
        supposedly whisked off to see the very 'edge' of the universe);
        and all this is being taught to him by the angel Uriel. Seems
        somehow reminiscent of Mormon (the name of a demon) teaching:
        that Adam and Eve traversed to the moon and back.

82:13   Angels have names as "leaders" of the sun/moon/stars. The angels
        supposedly are the originators of all the stars, are responsible
        for them in their orbits and existence; and are the basis for
        regular festivities (82:9)  Sounds a lot like the beginings of
        astrology and the worship of the "host of the heavens" (De4:19,
        2Ki17:16, 21:3,5, etc)  Whereas Scripture tells us that the
        universe was created by God's "fingers" and that He
        "established" them. (Ps8:3) And He set them for "signs and
        seasons". (Gen1:14)

Section IV
83:10   Sun  is given personality..."him". Seeds of sun-worship; as
        god's are assumed to have 'personalities'.

Section V
92:1    Claims that Enoch "indeed" wrote the book.

100:10  Claims that God "inquires of the angels" as to one's deeds. It
        is Yehoshua Messiah who knows humanity to the "division of soul and
        spirit and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the
        heart." (Heb4:12)  Why does God need angels to inform Him? God
        "..knows the secrets of the heart.." (Ps44:21)  "O Yehowah, You
        have searched me and known me. You know my sitting down and my
        rising up; You understand my thoughts afar off.  You have sifted
        through my way of life and my lying down, and are familiar with
        all my ways.  For there is not a word on my tongue, but behold,
        O Yehowah, You know it altogether." (~Ps139:1-4) 

104:1   Says that angels remember one's good before God. It is Believers
        who will judge angels (1Cor6:3); not the other way around.

106:1~~ Noah born a super-natural being...

106:2   eyes glowed with sun-like brilliance from birth...speaking from
        the womb... Just the same way pagan demonic entities are
        portrayed. When a person is supposedly 'possessed', others know
        it because their eyes glow, and they speak with a different kind
        of voice.

106:6   Claims Noah was not conceived from human seed...but from angels.
        Directly contradicting Scripture which proclaims, "These are the
        generations of Noah. Noah was a just man, perfect in his
        generation. Noah walked with God." (Gen6:9) 

106:8   Necromancy: communicating with the departed.  Methuselah       
        contacts Enoch after his translation on behalf of Lamech.

Enoch couldn't have written it: It contains information that was only
known, or in existence, -AFTER- the flood. Enoch was raptured 700 years
before the flood. And furthermore, with all these doctrines of demons
that it contains, such a man who "walked with God" (Gen5:22,24) would
have had no part with demons in the manner suggested in this book.

Where the Bible proclaims, "Thus says Yehowah", this book of "Enoch"
proclaims, essentially, 'thus said the angel/s'.

So, what about the fact that Judas quotes Enoch? (Ju1:14-15) Indeed,
that quote is found in Enoch 1:9. The book practically opens with that
quote. Does the fact that Judas quotes it, detract from the authenticity
of the epistle of Judas? (That's the book just before Revelation, that
has been incorrectly translation by others with the 'catholic' name

I suspect that the book of Enoch actually likely contains many of
Enoch's actual words. Just because a book-of-demons contains some true
statements, does not make the entire work True. Most false teaching
often contains even as much as 95% truth. Satan and his minions are busy
deceiving humanity, appearing as "ministers of righteousness".
(2Cor11:15) In order to appear thus, they have to proclaim at least
'some' truth. Perhaps the writers of Enoch (whoever they may have been),
opened with Enoch's well-known quote, for the specific purpose of
fooling people into believing it to be a credible work? What better way,
than to put Enoch's "stamp" on the book, right as it opens! However, the
amount of 'truth' in this book is no-where-near 95%. It is so full of
falsehood, one is left wondering what may actually be truth!

But even though the book opens with Enoch's words, and also happens to
contain some very authentic-seeming 'dreams/visions' of true things
regarding Israel, the flood, heaven and hell, etc; the rest of the book
is a work of demons. Certainly, it contains many concepts which cause
the reader's mind to wander out to the stars of the ends of the
universe, and for the unwary, could captivate their soul to accept these
(demonic) "spirits", of which it speaks so much. Yes, it may contain at
least 'one' actual quote of Enoch, just as satan also quoted the
Scriptures to Yehoshua when tempting Him (Mt4:6); but the book, itself, is
from the very pits of hell!

For the Believer in Yehoshua Messiah, who is versed in the Scriptures, the
Book of Enoch should not even raise any questions, as to its evilness!
Now that I've read it, it really surprises (amazes) me that it is even
questioned amongst so-called Messiahians!! Just be a "Berean" and "search
the Scriptures"... are the things it says, "so"? (Ac17:11)  If you know
the Scriptures, and then read "Enoch", you will know that it is NOT! No

20 Parasha Tetzaveh - You shall command

  Parsha Tetzaveh -You shall command Sh’mot 27:20, 30:10 Yechezk’el 43:10-27 1 st Shmuel 15: 1-34, Mattityahu 5:14-16 ...