Parsha Va’era – And I appeared -
Sh’mot 6:2 – 9:35
Yechezk’el 28:25-29:21,
Romans 9:14-24, Hebrew 3:1-6
Daniel ben Ya'acov Ysrael
Before to start, I wish once again to make clear the
reason of our Torah study. Too less people have seen the purpose. The Torah is
the way of life to those who love יהוה and follow יהושע not by their own power, but by the leading
of the Ruach HaQodesh (Set apart Spirit).
We look at the Scriptures, both Tanak (Torah, Prophets and writing ) and
the Brit Chadasha (Renewed Covenant,
falsely called New Testament) we see two aspects of our own nature and the
work יהוה did.
If we are diligent we will discover that Apostle Sha'ul understood and speaks of these aspects in different
Two Saviours: The
first Moshe was
sent by יהוה to save His people physically from Egypt, in
Hebrew Mitzrayim coming from the
root's word: mâtsôr maw-tsore',
something hemming in, that is, (objectively) a mound (of
besiegers), (abstractly) a siege, (figuratively) distress; or (subjectively) a fastness: - besieged,
bulwark, defence, fenced, fortress, siege, strong
(hold), tower..........
other word: Bondage. Egypt had
become bondage to the Children of Israel since
the new Pharaoh who didn't knew Yoseph
ruled over the land.
The second יהושע was sent by יהוה to save His
people from spiritual bondage (the spiritual Egypt been the World today)......
1Co 15:45 and so it is
written, the first Adam was made a
living soul; the last Adam was made
a quickening spirit. 1Co 15:46 howbeit
that was not first which is spiritual, but that which is natural; and afterward
that which is spiritual. 1Co 15:47
the first
man is of the earth, earthy: the second man is Yehoshua from heaven. 1Co 15:48 as
is the earthy, such are they also that are earthy: and as is the heavenly, such
are they also that are heavenly. 1Co 15:49 and
as we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the
heavenly. 1Co
15:50 now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot
inherit the kingdom
of YHWH ; neither doth
corruption inherit incorruption.
These five verses tell us more as we can see, Sha'ul in this passage speaks of the
resurrection, and goes on to explain the deepness of man's life condition.
The first man, Adam was a living soul, meaning carnal
The Last Adam a
quickening spirit, meaning the one who came for man's regeneration (restitution
of the former condition).
The first
man was of the earth (verse 47), meaning was limited to his carnal nature and
could only serve Elohim by pure
The second
man is יהושע from heaven
(verse 47), meaning heavenly bringing spiritual restoration to mankind.
This is
in no way accessible for flesh and blood
(verse 50), but only for those who are spiritual, the reason be: Corruption (the flesh) cannot inherit incorruption
(life eternal) because man need first to
die in order to see life.
If we are able to see the Scriptures ( Tanak + Brit Chadasha) this way, we will be transform
Shabbat after Shabbat as we learn the Torah. I know that some of us among messianic believers argue, saying that
there is no need of Torah study. I feel sad when I see their position, because
they still need to receive milk been
not ready to take the strong meat. Moshe was obedient in all his
house as it is mentioned by Sha'ul in the Book
to the Hebrew:
Heb 3:2 who was faithful to him that appointed him,
as also Moses was faithful in all his
The reason:
Heb 3:5 and Moses verily was faithful in all his house, as a servant, for a testimony of those things which were to be spoken after;......................יהושע was
greater than Moshe!
Heb 3:1
holy brethren, partakers of the heavenly calling, consider the Apostle* and High Priest of our
profession, the Messiah Yehoshua;
*read Ambassador:
delegate, deputy, emissary, envoy,
messenger, representative (ISBE) Heb 3:3 for this man
was counted worthy of more glory than Moses, inasmuch as he who hath builded the house hath more honour than the house. Heb 3:6 but the Messiah as a son over his
own house; whose house are we, if we hold fast the confidence and the
rejoicing of the hope firm unto the end. ..........
explains the difference between Moshe and יהושע:
Moshe was faithful in "all
his house" (verse 3:5). Here the house is the physical building
the Levites.
יהושע was
faithful over his own house (verse 6). Here the house is the spiritual
building, you and me altogether the Quehilah,
the Assembly. These are some
important characteristics of the Two
This is absolutely necessary to understand and have
this in mind when studying the Torah, remember that our ancestors didn't had
the Ruach HaQodesh (Set apart Spirit),
I don't say that the Ruach HaQodesh was
not there, because he was, but that he didn't dwelt in people's heart as it was
after יהושע departed to
the Father. Speaking of the Ruach of יהוה I
should have used the feminine singular
pronoun because in Hebrew Ruach is
a feminine form, a "she"!
Joh 16:7 nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is
expedient for you that I go away: for if
I go not away, the Comforter (Ruach HaQodesh) will not come unto you; but if
I depart, I will send him unto you.
It was necessary for יהושע to go to
the Father in order that he may dwell in us, for we have received the Ruach of Messiah. Today the difference
is that יהושע received
the fullness of the Ruach while we have received in a
Joh 3:31 he that cometh from above (Messiah) is above
all: he that is of the earth is earthly, and speaketh of the earth: he that cometh
from heaven is above all…………………
Joh 3:34 for he whom YHWH hath sent speaketh the
words of YHWH: for YHWH giveth not
the Spirit by measure unto him.
And for us, disciples of יהושע:
Eph 4:7 but unto
every one of us is given favour according to the measure of the gift of the Messiah. .......
The gift of the
Messiah is equal to the receiving of the Ruach HaQodesh according to the measure of Messiah.........
purpose: Eph
4:13 till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the
knowledge of the Son of YHWH, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness* of the Messiah:
Fullness: Strong's G4138
πλήρωμα plērōma play'-ro-mah From G4137; repletion or completion, that is, (subjectively) what fills (as contents, supplement, copiousness,
multitude), or (objectively) what is filled
(as container, performance, period): - which is put in to fill up, piece that
filled up, fulfilling, full, fullness.
We could read: Eph
4:13 till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the
knowledge of the Son of YHWH, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness*, the completion be
filled with the same measure of the Messiah:.......
Do you doubt? 1Jn
3:2 beloved, now are we the sons of YHWH, and
it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him;
for we shall see him as he is...........
We are not yet what we shall be when Messiah shall
appear, the reason is that we still have this earthly abode, house, tent, but
if we listen to the guidance of the Ruach
in us we will be obedient children by submitting our flesh to the daily impalement (crucifixion). Now with this
in mind, I will give other details concerning the people we met throughout our
study because often it is not mentioned in the Torah. We need to find out by
research either in the Hebrew meaning, or according to their descendants, or
even in the Book of Yasher as this
book is a great addendum (contribution) to
the Torah. Don't forget this book is mentioned twice in the Tanak...........
Balaam: We see
him in Pharaoh's palace. The son of Beor,
from a city in Mesopotamia called Pethor, a
man possessing the gift of prophecy. A soothsayer who might have become a
prophet of YHWH; a man who loved the wages of unrighteousness, and yet a man
who in one supreme moment of his life surrendered himself to God's holy Spirit;
a person cumbered with superstition, covetousness and even wickedness, and yet
capable of performing the highest service in the kingdom of God: such is the
character of Balaam, the remarkable Old Testament type and, in a sense, the prototype of Judas Iscariot.(ISBE)......
Priest of Midian, a son of Abraham through Keturah who according to the Book
of Yasher served also Pharaoh. ...............
(Job):Yob in
the land of Uz . His
friends Eliphaz the Temanite, Bildad the Shuhite,and Zophar the Naamathite............
Bildah the Shuhite, i.e. sprung from Shuah, Abraham's son by
Keturah, who was sent eastward by Abraham and founded an Arab tribe (Gen_25:2) Syccea, in Arabia
Deserta, E. of Batanea, mentioned by Ptolemy, is identified by Gesenius with
the Shuhite country. Bildad is less violent than Zophar, though more so than
Eliphaz.(Easton 's
Boble dictionary))........Zophar,
The LXX. render here “king of the Mineans” = Ma'in, Maonites, Jdg_10:12,
in Southern Arabia ). He is called a
Naamathite, or an inhabitant of some unknown place called Naamah (Easton 's
Bible dictionary).......
Eliphaz the Temanite;
first of Job's three friends, the
"Temanite," sprung from the former Eliphaz Teman answers to Edom (Jer_49:20), part of Arabia
Petraea. (Fausset's Bible dictionary).......
Yob: a
righteous man who attempted Pharaoh's palace as advisor beside Yethro and Balaam. You may be surprise this is mentioned in the Book of Yasher. I will give details as
we move in our study..........
Va’era, the Parsha of the Ten plagues. There is a
lot of information concerning the time we are living now in this parsha. We remember that the natural,
points to the spiritual, natural and spiritual are closely linked together. I
quote again the words of Sh’lomo who
write in the book of Kohelet (Ecclesiastes) 1:9 “The things that hath been, it is which shall
be, and that which is done, that which shall be done, there is no new things
under the sun”................
In other words, look at what was going on in the past
and you will know what is coming ahead. We
remember in the former parsha Sh'mot,
Pharaoh was asking Moshe proof
concerning his position:
Yasher Chapter 79: 34. And the king (Pharaoh) said to them, but who will
believe you that you are the messengers of God and that you come to me by his
order?35. Now therefore give a wonder or
sign in this matter, and then the words which you speak will be believed……………..
But after Moshe and
Aaron had thrown the rod before
Pharaoh and the magicians done the
same, Pharaoh required more proof:
for myself. "my river is mine, and I have made it from myself". This statement is the ultimate arrogance in the eyes of יהוה which will cause the prophet Yechezk'El (Ezekiel) to speak: Eze 29:2 Son of man, set thy face against Pharaoh King of
Eze 29:3 Speak, and say,
Thus saith the Master YHWH; Behold, I am
against thee, Pharaoh king of Egypt, the
great dragon that lieth in the midst of his rivers, which hath said, My river is mine own,
and I have made it for myself. Eze 29:4 but
I will put hooks in thy jaws, and I will cause the fish of thy rivers to stick
unto thy scales, and I will bring thee up out of the midst of thy rivers, and
all the fish of thy rivers shall stick unto thy scales. Eze 29:5 and
I will leave thee thrown into the
wilderness, thee and all the fish of thy rivers: thou shalt fall upon the
open fields; thou shalt not be brought together, nor gathered: I have given
thee for meat to the beasts of the field and to the fowls of the heaven. Eze 29:6 and
all the inhabitants of Egypt shall know that I am YHWH, because they
have been a staff of reed to the house of Israel . ...
The prophet Yechezk'El
prophecy (594 – 573 B.C.) around one thousand years after the Exodus; it is amazing to me how יהוה speaks these words after such a long time.
Today majority of people think that the "Bible"
is simply nice tales for "religious
people", be careful not to fall into such category! "The great dragon" (Ezek.29:3). It
is very interesting that the prophet Yechezk'el
call Pharaoh, "the great
dragon" when we say that it is also a name for HaSatan: Rev 12:9 and the
great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan,
which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels
were cast out with him. So we can see the connection between Pharaoh as image of HaSatan in the Book of Sh'mot
We will try to see what will be soon in the world. I
read something from a man called “Yedidah”
who wrote concerning the shemita
cycle and the time we are living now.
When we look at the parsha of the Ten plagues, we see the children of Israel (carnal
man) were discouraged, been under the bondage of the Egyptian /Mistrayites since 400 years. There is
similarity with our conditions today as we are going to see. Christians have neglected to learn the
Torah, unfortunately it is not limited to Christians
but also some messianic and
therefore know nothing concerning the time we are living, they hold to their
“prophets” descendants from Yeroboam
who chose the false priesthood. Remember what Moshe says: “ If they arise among
you a prophet, or a dreamer of dream, and give thee a sign or a wonder, and the
sign or the wonder come to pass, saying let
us go after other gods, which thou hast not known, and let us serve them, thou shall not hearken unto the words of that
prophets, or that dreamer of dreams: for
יהוה your Elohim
proveth you, to know
whether you love יהוה your Elohim
with all your heart and with all your soul. (d’varim / Deut. 13:1-3). Today Christian’s prophets speak “the Lord says” (Lord=Ba’al) and draw people to believe many
things, in particular in the charismatic world concerning money. יהוה says that he will prove us to know….
These prophets draw people to go after other gods, “mammon”, and the “g-d” of this world HaSatan who tell them by the mouth of
his agents (pastors, priest, bishops, Pope, rulers of this world), that the
Torah is abolished, or that it is only for the “Jews”! We should learn more concerning the plan of our heavenly
Father, we already know the season when we can expect our master to come back,
so we don’t have o look in the beginning of the year, for we know that all the
spring “feast of יהוה” are a picture of יהושע first coming, up to Shavuot*,
the Feast called “Pentecost”. The
fall feats are the signs we are looking today knowing that this the time we
will see the second coming of our Master as King ready to judge. In the book
of Yasher we see thirty thousand children of Ephraim died because they
didn’t knew יהוה’s plan and instead to wait for Moshe they went before the appointed
time, but let us read what the Book Yasher
(the book of the just) tells us, and see the points יהוה mentions: (in brackets mine)
* Today I have a new approach concerning the return of
Mashiach Yehoshua, directly tighten to Shavuot. (see the midrash on
"Counting the Omer)
Who is the bread of life, is it not יהושע? (Yochanan 6:48, 51). They had eaten no bread for three days. When does shall Messiah comes back, is it not in the third day? They have not eaten bread equals they didn’t followed Messiah by walking in the Torah embodied by יהושע.
Verse 17
“This evil was from יהוה ….for they transgressed the word”.
The transgression of the Word (Torah) is sin (1 Yochanan 3:4).
How is it with us, will we also follow these leaders
who say: “come let us go to Israel, it’s time now, or will we be able to listen
to the small voice of the Ruach? Do
you think that YHWH will forget one
of us? Discuss!
Reading this parsha
we should be able to see the situation in the world (a picture of Egypt, Mitsrayim) and make the difference
between Ephraim and the “Levites” the royal priesthood, those who
follow יהושע in
the truth (i.e. the Torah). Christians
run everywhere at the first call or words of one of their “prophets”. יהוה says that he gave the
children of Ephraim over to the Philistines because they disobey his word! Do you think it will
be different today? I don’t think so. We are going to see that during the ten
plagues יהוה killed also those of the children of Israel who were
sinning. ......
/Exodus 6:3 יהוה speaking to Moshe ask him if Abraham, Itshaq and Ya’acov didn’t knew him bys His Name יהוה. The text from the scripture’s translation
give the right reading, because in the Hebrew there is no mention of question
mark, it is understood out of the context. We know that Abraham, Itshaq and Ya’acov knew Elohim by His Name. Unfortunately many translation included the KJV
do not mention the question mark letting the reader think that יהוה says to Moshes that he was not know to the patriarchs by His Name יהוה. Others says that the Name יהוה was written by Moshe in his words but the
Patriarchs knew him by El Shaddai (G-d
The book of Yob
(Job) is said to be the First book to have been written. We read what Yob say: Job
42:1 Then Job
answered YHWH, and said,
Job 42:2 I know that
thou canst do every thing, and that no thought can be withholden from thee.
Job 42:3
who is he
that hideth counsel without knowledge? therefore
have I uttered that I understood not; things too wonderful for me, which I
knew not. Job
42:4 Hear, I beseech thee, and I will speak: I will demand
of thee, and declare thou unto me. Job 42:5 I have heard
of thee by the hearing of the ear: but now mine eye seeth thee. Job 42:6 wherefore
I abhor myself, and repent in dust and ashes.
Even if the Name YHWH is mentioned verse 1, it is not
the proof that the Name was known to Yob
for he says "I have heard of thee by
the hearing of ear" thus saying that he was limited of the mouth to
mouth tradition.
If indeed Yob was
from among the nations 9 as metionned in the book of Yasher), acquainted with descendants from Esau, Eliphaz (Edomites) and the children of Keturah (Bildah) the second wife from Abraham, it is natural that
he knew concerning El Shaddai from earing, but now, after יהוה spoke to him "saw", meaning in
the spirit, got the full revelation.
was called righteous because he feared Elohim
and eschewed evil Job 1:1 There
was a man in the land
of Uz , whose name was
Job; and that man was perfect and upright, and one that feared Elohim, and
eschewed evil.
and upright", because "he
feared Elohim and eschewed evil"!
The point is that we see in the creation, the book of B’reshit (Genesis) that Elohim appears first before the Name יהוה.is mentioned. Elohim represent the strictness of the left side of the “tree of
life” while יהוה the right side, the side of
We must take in consideration that it is not because
the Name יהוה is mentioned that he was
known to all men, there is a possibility that יהוה' Name was
revealed with Moshe coming before Pharaoh, it could be that before Moshe, Elohim was know by
El Shaddai, just to avoid any false conclusion but concerning Abrham, Itazahk and Ya'acov?
Did Abraham know the name of יהוה? Here the
22:14 and Aḇraham called the name of the place "
יהוה Yireh,’ as it is said to this day, “On the mountain יהוה provides.”
Tell me today who is calling the name of יהוה and who is calling “G-d”. In the world the one calling after “G-d” do not know His
mercy, but only the side of judgment “G-d”.
Before going deeper in the parsha,
I want to give more information concerning the circumstances and the frame of
this timing. First of all, Pharaoh the king of Egypt didn’t know יהוה and therefore in his
arrogance neglected to enquire. This incident happen after the rod of Moshe swallowed the serpents of Pharaoh’s
magicians. We should understand that the world of darkness with his counterfeit
“magician” put people under bondage, but they are limited as we are going to
see. Pharaoh had no record in his book, regarding יהוה and therefore decided, not
to listen to Moshe! This is very
interesting, as we can look today and ask if the rulers of the world know the
name יהוה or only "g-d" not even knowing whom they name .To know is to be acquainted with, to “sh’ma” listen and obey (D'varim 6:4), to fear and honour. The
answer is obvious: NO! They don’t know him, and like Pharaoh turned to their
“counsellors” (minister, senators, special advisers) to decide what to do in
their man's made Laws!
Today (2010) the Pope Benedict (real name Ratzinger)
has put a ban on the name YHWH! It is
forbidden to utter the Name in any worship or speech in the Catholic Church.
Exo 6:2 and Elohim spoke to Mosheh and said to him,
“I am יהוה....
Exo 6:6 “Say, therefore, to the children of Yisra’ĕl, ‘I am יהוה, and I shall bring you out from under the burdens of the Mitsrites, and shall deliver you from their enslaving, and shall redeem you with an outstretched arm, and with great judgments, Exo 6:7 and shall take you as My people, and I shall be your Elohim. And you shall know that I am יהוה your Elohim who is bringing you out from under the burdens of the Mitsrites.
Exo 6:6 “Say, therefore, to the children of Yisra’ĕl, ‘I am יהוה, and I shall bring you out from under the burdens of the Mitsrites, and shall deliver you from their enslaving, and shall redeem you with an outstretched arm, and with great judgments, Exo 6:7 and shall take you as My people, and I shall be your Elohim. And you shall know that I am יהוה your Elohim who is bringing you out from under the burdens of the Mitsrites.
Here Elohim remind Moshe that
he was known to Abraham, Ytzahk and Ya'acov by His Name and that the same Elohim whose Name is יהוה "say to the Children of
Israel" (verse 6) that he is the one who will bring
them out "out from under the
burdens of the Egyptians / Mitzrites, to deliver,
redeem and take as a people.
Four steps of slavation:




Let us see how and when these steps come into our life:
1st. To bring out
from under the burdens of the Mitsrayites:
This happen when we accept to follow יהושע and recognize him as our Master.
We accept His yoke, the Torah by the power of the Ruach HaQodesh following him with all our ability ..
Timing: Pesach, theFeast of Unleavened Bread.
2nd. To deliver
from enslaving. This is the process of sanctification in our life journey, with
trials and temptations. Deliverance of sins..Timing: Shavuot, the Feast of the weeks
3rd. To redeem
with an outstretched arm: This is the last steps before the final
accomplishment, which will occur during the time of the great tribulation very
soon, and has not happened yet, the receiving of the full payment New Body:..
Timing: Yom Kippur, the Feast of the seventh
Rom 8:23 and not only
so, but even we ourselves who have the first-fruits of the Spirit, we ourselves
also groan within ourselves, eagerly waiting
for the adoption, the redemption of our
Luk 21:28 “And when
these matters begin to take
place, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near.”
Eph 4:30 and do not
grieve the Set-apart Spirit of Elohim, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption.
4th. Take you as my
people. This will happen when the Malakim
(messenger) will gather יהוה's people from
the four corners of the earth at the second advent of our Master יהושע. (Matt. 24:31)
Timing: Succoth, the Feast of the
We see verse 8
that the pattern is very clear, the
entrance into the Land DOES NOT happen before the four others steps have been
fulfilled. This is not to say that there is not some who will be
in the land at this time, for we know that many of our brethren from Yehuda are already there, some following
יהושע, others waiting for the deliverance when יהוה will remove
the veil from before their hearts. Now
knowing this, we can ponder concerning Christians,
what will be with them? I know there are many speculations and people teaching
many things, but the question is what does the Torah says, this is the only
question to be asked. If we found the answer in the Torah or books that have
been recognized as “canon” in the
past but rejected by men for some reason, we can claim the truth. The book
of Yasher is twice mentioned in the TaNaKh,
(Yohushua 10:13, and 2nd Sh”muel 1:18) Yasher 79: 49. and Pharaoh said to them, Tell me now his power and
his might; and they said to him,
He created the heaven and the earth, the seas and all
their fishes, he formed the light, created the darkness, caused rain upon the
earth and watered it, and made the herbage and grass to sprout, he created man
and beast and the animals of the forest, the birds of the air and the fish of
the sea, and by his mouth they live and die.
Surely he created thee (Pharaoh)
in thy mother's womb, and put
into thee the breath of life, and reared
thee and placed thee upon the royal throne of Egypt , and he will take thy
breath and soul from thee, and return thee to the ground whence thou wast
taken. 51. and the anger of the king was kindled at their
words, and he said to them, But who amongst all the Gods of nations can do
this? my river is mine own, and I
have made it
myself. 52. and he drove them from him, and he ordered the labor
upon Israel
to be more severe than it was yesterday and before................
Let us compare with the words of Josephus, the “Jewish” historian who lived in יהושע’s time: “Antiquities of the Jews” Book 2 chapter 13.
3. But
when the king derided Moses; he made him
in earnest see the signs that were done at Mount Sinai .
Yet was the king very angry with him and
called him an ill man, who had formerly run away from his Egyptian slavery,
and came now back with deceitful tricks,
and wonders, and magical arts, to astonish him. And when he had said this,
he commanded the priests to let him see the same wonderful sights; as knowing
that the Egyptians were skilful in this
kind of learning, and that he was
not the only person who knew them, and pretended them to be divine; as also
he told him, that when he brought such wonderful sights before him, he would
only be believed by the unlearned. Now when the priests threw down their rods,
they became serpents. But Moses was not
daunted at it; and said, "O king, I do not myself despise the wisdom
of the Egyptians, but I say that what I
do is so much superior to what these do by magic arts and tricks, as Divine
power exceeds the power of man: but I will demonstrate that what I do is not done by craft, or
counterfeiting what is not really true, but that they appear by the providence and power of God." And when he
had said this, he cast his rod down upon the ground, and commanded it to turn
itself into a serpent. It obeyed him, and went all round, and devoured the rods
of the Egyptians, which seemed to be dragons, until it had consumed them all.
It then returned to its own form, and Moses took it into his hand again.
We see Moshe
giving some statements which can be also applied today to all those “magicians”
among Christians (Ephramites). This is deception as it has
been warned by Sha'ul to the Thessalonians (2nd Thessal.
2:9-12) Elohim himself has given them
a strong delusion that they might believe
a LIE, because they received not the
love of the truth.
Today we believe either יהושע or the “magician”, the Torah-less anti-messiah “Jesus”, antinomian who give power to his followers with signs and
wonders. If you are Israelite, you follow יהושע, and NOT “Jesus”.
Just learn the truth/Torah and the truth/Torah will set you free (Yochanan 8:32). Moshe (יהושע’s for-runner) says that what he is doing is more superior, to
what Pharaoh’s magicians are doing: “what I do
is not done by craft, or counterfeiting what is not really
true, but
that they appear by the providence
and power of God."
If you are in Messiah in the truth you are no more called
“Ephramite”, rather “Israelite”! Between Sh’mot/Exodus 6:8 and the entering into
the Promise Land, we know that many
will die, because of UNBELIEF and do not enter the Promise Land (Heb.3:19) ………What is “unbelief”. Not
according to the dictionary but according to the Torah. We read that Abraham
BELIVED יהוה and it was counted to him as RIGHTEOUSNESS.
Believe: Strong’s #539 אמן 'âman aw-man'aleph, mem, nun. A primitive root; properly to build up or support;
to foster as a parent or nurse; figuratively to render (or be) firm or faithful, to trust
or believe, to be permanent or quiet; morally to be true or certain;
once (in Isa_30:21; by interchange for H541) to go
to the right hand: - hence assurance, believe,
bring up, establish, + fail, be faithful (of long continuance, steadfast, sure, surely, trusty, verified), nurse, (-ing father), (put), trust, turn to the right. To build up on what: To be firm, faithful, to
trust whom, to be certain of what? This
is what Abraham did. He trusted יהוה that what he promised he will do
(Heb.11:8-10). What is not told in the Tanak,
because of the absence of the Book of
Yasher which should belongs to the “Ketuviim”
(writings), is that Abram was taught
in the way of the Torah as he was ten
years old, by Noach, Shem and Eber (Yasher 9:4, 5)(see
charts of the patriarchs in my former parsha)
Belief cannot be dissociated from the Torah, called “law
of liberty”.(Ya’acov 1:25)
Exo 6:8 ‘And I shall bring you into the land which I
swore to give to Aḇraham, to Yitsḥaq, and to Yaʽaqoḇ, to give it to you as
an inheritance. I am יהוה.’ ” Exo 6:9 and Mosheh spoke thus to the
children of Yisra’ĕl, but they did not listen to Mosheh, because of shortness
of spirit, and from hard slavery. Exo 6:10 and יהוה spoke to Mosheh, saying, Exo 6:11 “Go in, speak to Pharaoh Sovereign
of Mitsrayim, to let the children of Yisra’ĕl go out of his land.” Exo 6:12 and Mosheh spoke before יהוה, saying, “The
children of Yisra’ĕl have not listened to me, and why would Pharaoh listen to
me, for I am of uncircumcised lips?” Exo 6:13 and יהוה spoke to Mosheh and to Aharon, and gave them a command
for the children of Yisra’ĕl and for Pharaoh, sovereign of Mitsrayim, to bring
the children of Yisra’ĕl out of the land
of Mitsrayim .
The command verse 13 is for The Children of Israel and Pharaoh?.......
Verses 14-27:
“These are the heads of their father’s houses” and the Torah gives only account
concerning Reuben, Shimeon and in great details Levi and his children. This is a strange
statement as the other children of Ya’acov are not recorded! There is no
mention in the Book of Yasher. It
seems in the Levi’s descendants, that
Moshe gives details concerning the
coming priesthood. Yes but if so, why Reuben and Shimeon? The answer could be
to show the birth of Levi, Reuben been the first born, Shimeon the second and Levi the third! May be there is some details in the book of Yasher which help to understand?............
Reuben is mention as the First-born. Sh’imon the second son, to have married a Kena’anite a pagan woman!
Levi went to the House of Eber
the son of Shem who is called Melchitzedek. This would make the link
between the two priesthoods, Levites and
Melchitzedek? The majority of the others children of Ya’acov married pagan women (cana’anites, moabites, medianites, even Ishmaelite save Benjamin who married in the House
of Abraham, Gad and Naphtali who
married from the sons of Nahor, Abram’s brother. Asher and Yehudah after
having married pagan women went and choose daughters of Shem. May be this was the reason why the Torah mentions the three names and their descendants:
- First born
- First to marry a pagan woman
- First to marry from the chosen household! The conclusion may be that because of his
faithfulness to the Torah Levi didn’t
marry pagan woman and thus “qualified” for the priesthood? Discuss the
importance of marriage in a believer life! Exo 6:14 these are the heads of their fathers’ houses: The sons of Re’uḇĕn, the
first-born of Yisra’ĕl: Ḥanoḵ and Pallu, Ḥetsron and Karmi. These are
the clans of Re’uḇĕn. Chapter 7 1
“I have made you and Elohim to Pharaoh”.
This is the right translation from the Hebrew.
Strong’s #H430 אלהים ĕlôhîym
el-o-heem' Plural of H433;
gods in the ordinary sense; but specifically used (in the plural thus,
especially with the article) of the supreme God; occasionally applied by
way of deference to magistrates;
and sometimes as a superlative: - angels, X exceeding, God (gods) (-dess, -ly),
X (very) great, judges, X mighty. Brown, Drivers and Briggs give following translation: 'ĕlôhîym
BDB Definition: 1)
(plural) 1a) rulers, judges 1b) divine ones
1c) angels 1d) gods
2) (plural intensive - singular meaning)
2a) god, goddess 2b) godlike one
2c) works or special possessions of God 2d) the (true) God 2e) God
understand, when we read Psalm 82,
that when people, Levites, Judges,
were called to serve יהוה, they were called Elohim because they were directly under יהוה’s authority and their sentence were of
divine nature. With this we can understand יהושע’s word in Yochanan 10 when he spoke to the “Jews” (brackets mine):
Joh 10:31 again the Yehuḏim picked up stones to stone
Him. Joh
10:32 יהושע answered them, “Many good works I
have shown you from My Father. Because of which of these works do you stone
Joh 10:33 The Yehuḏim
answered Him, saying, “We do not stone You for a good work, but for blasphemy,
and because You, being a Man, make
Yourself Elohim.” Joh 10:34 יהושע answered them, “Is it not written in your own Torah, ‘I
said, “You are elohim” ’? (referring
to Psalm 82) Joh 10:35 “If He
called them elohim, to whom the word
of Elohim came – and it is impossible for the Scripture to be broken –
יהושע was arguing with the Yehudim concerning “Elohim” the title and not the Name. Elohim the “Mighy One”,
the “Judge”, the “Ruler” of Israel .
Moshe was made “Elohim” to his
brother Aaron and to Pharaoh; he acted in the Name of יהוה as יהושע will
do later in the year 4000 and after his resurrection been put in the position
of Elohim over ALL THE EARTH that at
the Name יהושע every
knee will bow, every tongue confess that יהושע is
MASTER. (Philip: 2:7), to the Glory of ELOHIM
the FATHER: Son and Father becoming ONE.(Yochanan
Sh’mot 7:2 “you shall speak
all that I command you”: Joh 7:16 יהושע answered them and said, “My teaching is not Mine, but His who sent
Joh 8:38 “I speak what I have seen with My Father,
and you do what you have heard from your father.”
Joh 7:17 “If anyone desires to do His desire, he shall know concerning the teaching, whether it is from Elohim, or whether
I speak from Myself. Joh 8:26 “I have much to say and to judge concerning you. But He who sent Me is
true, and what I heard from Him, these
Words I speak to the world.”
Joh 8:28 So יהושע said to them, “When you lift up
the Son of Aḏam, then you shall know that I am He, and that I do none at all
of Myself, but as My Father taught Me, these
words I speak. Joh 12:49 “Because I spoke not from Myself, but the Father who sent Me has given Me a command, what I should say and
what I should speak (compare Sh’mot 7:2) “you shall speak
all that I command you”.........
What can we say between Moshe and יהושע. Both were sent by יהוה, the first to “bring out, deliver, redeem and take to himself”
the Children of Israel (carnal man) as a shadow of things to come; the second
to do the same work for: First the inner man, the spirit man, followed by the
last work: the REDEMPTION of our body which has not yet occurred. Let us
mediate on these words, and understand what the Torah teaches us. Halleluyah! ..Can you see how the Torah
is the “law of liberty”? If we study His
word, the Torah we will be free from all tradition of man and we will know
what will happen to us during the great tribulation, some died and some
remained alive during the wilderness experience. Those who walk by faith will
remain, the other will be also saved but will go through the fire (Revel. 7:13-15).
Rev 7:9 after this I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could
number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues,
stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and
palms in their hands; Rev 7:13
and one
of the elders answered, saying unto me, what are these which are arrayed in
white robes? and whence came they?
Rev 7:14
and I
said unto him, Sir, thou knowest.
And he said to me, these are they which came out of great tribulation, and have
washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.
Rev 7:15
are they before the throne of YHWH, and serve him day and night in his temple:
and he that sitteth on the throne shall dwell among them. ........
Is not the House of Israel ,
Ephraim that has been scattered in the four corners of the earth among the
nations? Just spend time to study the
Psalm 91 and you will know that יהוה is faithful and will NOT let you
alone during the tribulations: “one thousand on your side, ten thousand on your
right hand, but to YOU it shall not approach, only with your eyes shall you behold
and see the punishment of the wicked ……….”
Sh’mot 7:3 “I am
going to harden the heart of Pharaoh”……Is Elohim
unjust? No his commandments are righteous and just (Psalm 19:9), and he judge
in righteousness (Psalm9:8). The Haftorah
today points to Sha'ul in Romans
9:15-17 speaking of Pharaoh.
Unfortunately I guess many do not understand as I didn’t
many years why does יהוה harden Pharaoh’s
heart. Do you think just because he decided so, was Pharaoh’s life not given to him from יהוה, is there any difference source of life between an unbeliever
and our life? You see many questions with the same answer: Every human being receive
the breath of life from יהוה, no man on
earth live outside this. Now let us go
back to Pharaoh and see if we can
understand why יהוה hardened his heart, in order to understand what is today
with the heart of many rulers. Part of the answer is in the statements of
Ya’acov and Kefa: Jas 4:6 But He gives
greater favour. Because of this He says, “Elohim
resists the proud, but gives favour to the humble.” Jas 4:10 Humble
yourselves in the sight of the Master, and He shall lift you up. 1Pe 5:5 in the same way, you younger ones, be
subject to elders. And gird yourselves with humility toward one another, for “Elohim resists the proud, but gives favour
to the humble.” 1Pe 5:6 Humble
yourselves, then, under the mighty hand of Elohim, so that He exalts you in due
We see Ya’acov
and Kefa (Peter) encouraging the brethren to humble themselves in order for Elohim to work in them. Now let us look at Pharaoh’s attitude: Josephus
Antiquities of the Jews: Josephus was
from the Cohen family, to who belonged
the priesthood! Book 2:14 : 1. BUT when the
king (Pharaoh) despised the words of Moses, and had no regard at all to them, grievous plagues seized the Egyptians;
every one of which I will describe, both because no such plagues did ever
happen to any other nation as the Egyptians now felt, and because I would
demonstrate that Moses did not fail in any one thing that he foretold them; and
because it is for the good of mankind, that they may learn this caution -
The Nile was the principal source of life for the Egyptians they did worship the Nile and
took bath inside to purify themselves......................
Question: Who made the water, the Nile, the land, is it not the
work of יהוה. Now we can
see Pharaoh’s arrogance?
Question: How is it today with some rulers in the world,
especially USA , FRANCE , UK ,
GERMANY , RUSSIA , CHINA …are they not boasting about
their works and their power?
What do you think what will happen to them, יהוה say that He will judge the nations (Psalm 9:8, 96:13, Rev.19:11, Yesh.2:4, Yech.34:17…).........
Sh’mot 7:5 “And the Mitsrites
shall know that I am יהוה, when I stretch out My hand on Mitsrayim”
Egyptian: Strong’s #H4714 מצרים Mitsrayim mits-rah'-yim.
Dual of H4693; Mitsrajim,
that is, Upper and Lower Egypt: - Egypt , Egyptians, Mizraim. H4693 mâtsôr maw-tsore'
The same as H4692 in the
sense of a limit; Egypt
(as the border of Palestine ):
- besieged places, defence, fortified. H4692. mâtsôr mâtsûr maw-tsore', maw-tsoor' From
something hemming in, that is, (objectively) a mound (of
besiegers), (abstractly) a siege, (figuratively) distress; or (subjectively) a fastness: - besieged,
bulwark, defence, fenced, fortress, siege, strong (hold), tower........ The word "Mitsaryim",
contain the idea: A stronghold, fenced by force, and a limit. Thus was Egypt
a picture of the world system today.
The people of יהוה are in the world as it was with
the descendants of Ya'acov in Egypt . They
like the Egyptians didn't know יהוה, they don’t have intimacy with him, they reject His Torah and
all what is in it, the Shabbat, the Feats, the diary laws, the moral laws and all
what make somebody Qadosh (set apart), only
few of them where acquainted with the Torah. יהוה deliverance was on behalf of Abraham, Itzahk and Ya’acov, not the righteousness of the Children of Israel! These may raise the question: Are we save by
our own righteousness? Discuss and find the right answer in the Brith HaChadasha. יהוה say that the Egyptians
will know that he is יהוה when he will stretch out his hand upon them (Sh'mot 7:5). This will happen soon
before our Master come back to establish His Kingdom on earth. The time is
short, wickedness is rampant, there are no “straw anymore to make the bricks”,
the pressure increase, but יהוה will deliver His people as he did
in Moshe’s time.
Sh’mot 7:12-19 reading the plagues we do not know how long it took
between the plague, let us see if we can found some information.Two years between the times Moshe went to Pharaoh with his rod and the first plague of the
“Antiquities of Jews” Book 2:14. 1. BUT when the king (Pharaoh) despised the words of Moses, and had no regard at all to them………For the Egyptian river ran
with bloody water at the command of God, insomuch that it could not be drunk,
and they had no other spring of water
neither; for the water was not only of
the colour of blood, but it brought upon those that ventured to
drink of it, great pains and bitter torment. Such was the river to the
Egyptians; but it was sweet and fit for
drinking to the Hebrews, and no way different from what it naturally used
to be ....
Can you see what Josephus
write: “it was sweet and fit fro drinking to the Hebrews?”
In the midst of the plague, יהוה made a difference between His
people and the Egyptians. Now let us see if it is a pattern for us in the last
days during the tribulation and what will happen with us:
Rev 8:8 and the second messenger sounded, and what looked like a great mountain burning with
fire was thrown into the sea, and a
third of the sea became blood, Rev 8:10
and the third messenger sounded, and a
great star fell from the heaven, burning like a torch, and it fell on a third of the rivers and on the fountains of water, Rev 8:11 and the name of the star is called Wormwood.
And a third of the waters became
wormwood, and many men died from the waters, because they were made bitter. Rev 11:6
these possess authority to shut the
heaven, so that no rain falls in the days of their prophecy. And they possess authority over waters to turn
them to blood, and to smite
the earth with all plagues, as often as they wish. Rev 16:1 and I heard a loud voice from the Dwelling Place
saying to the seven messengers, “Go and pour out the bowls of the wrath of
Elohim on the earth.” Rev 16:2 and the first went and poured out his bowl
upon the earth, and an evil and wicked sore
came upon the men, those having
the mark of the beast and those
worshipping his image (Sh'mot 20:3-4). Rev 16:3 and the second messenger poured out his bowl
on the sea, and it became blood,
as of a dead one, and every living
creature in the sea died. Rev 16:4 and the third messenger poured out his bowl on the rivers and fountains of water, and they became blood.
Rev 16:5 and I heard the
messenger of the waters saying, “You are righteous, O יהוה, the One who is and who was and who shall be, because You have judged these.
Remember our first statement in this
parsha: “The things that have been are that which will be”. This was a
statement written by the King Sh’lomo
in Kohelet 1:19. The same plague will come upon the
wicked. Now the question is: What happened to the children of Israel , do they
died? Don’t be too fast to answer; we
have already seen that some of the Ephramites
thirty thousand in number died, because
they didn’t waited the right timing and disobey יהוה!. What will
happen when the false messiah will appear, do you think that some Ephramites (Christians) will run to
follow him? Now there is more to know, we have a detail from the book of Yasher who tells us that other
from among the children of Israel
died during the plagues.The
plague goes for three days. Darkness
is the opposite of the light and to walk in darkness is to walk outside the
Torah. They believed not that it was from Elohim. How it is today, is
the world in the light or in darkness since Messiah
יהושע came, does the people especially Ephramites (Christian)
believe יהושע (not Jesus), walking in his commandments? What does יהוה do with all these people, will they be there when the
great exodus come, will they go into
the wilderness or will they wait for the spurious “rapture”? Since two days and the beginning of the third day Christians/Ephramites are walking in
darkness, outside the Torah, they die without the “Egyptians” (worldly people), pagans knowing about them. From now
on until the end of the Parsha
chapter 9:35 the plagues will increase to come to the ultimate plague of which
we will try to see the spiritual meaning in the next parsha.
For now let us see the information we can get to this
plague and see how does the world look today:
After the plague of the blood comes the plague with the
frog. Frogs are unclean animals and I don’t know if you have already see a dead
frog, it smell very bad.
Revelation :
Rev 16:13 And I saw coming out of
the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the
mouth of the false prophet, three
unclean spirits, as frogs,
Third plague: Yasher 80:10. And he sent and smote their dust to lice, and the lice became
in Egypt
to the height of two cubits upon the
earth. 11. The lice were also very numerous, in the flesh of man and beast, in all the inhabitants of Egypt,
also upon the king and queen YHWH sent the lice, and it grieved Egypt exceedingly on account of the lice. 12. Notwithstanding this, the anger
of YHWH did not turn away, and his hand was still stretched out over Egypt . ............Lice
or gnat are small flies which go everywhere and grieve people and animals
by their density, and their numbers. Here
the power of the magicians comes to an end they have a limited knowledge of the
spiritual world as it is today with the sorcerers and seers who make
Let us look at the word "Plague": Strong's
# H5061 נגע ga‛neh'-gah From
H5060; a blow
(figuratively infliction); also (by implication) a spot (concretely a leprous person or dress): -
plague, sore, stricken, stripe,
stroke, wound...................
We see that the plagues
came to afflict the Egyptians as they did with the Children of Israel . Remember it was so that
they may know that יהוה is the Elohim of the Hebrews.
Exo 8:18 and the magicians did similarly with their magic to bring forth gnats,
but they were unable. And
there were gnats on man and beast. Exo 8:19 the
magicians then said to Pharaoh, “This is the finger of Elohim!” But the
heart of Pharaoh was hardened, and he did not listen to them, as יהוה had said. ………………
Fourth plague:
Exo 8:22 “And in that
day I shall separate the land of Goshen, in which My people dwell, that no
swarms of flies shall be there, so
that you know that I am יהוה in the midst of the land. Exo 8:23 “And I shall put a distinction between My
people and your people. Tomorrow this sign shall be.” ’ ”“And I
shall put a distinction between My people and your people",
Here a pertinent comment from Keil and Delitzsch: “And I will put a deliverance between My people and
thy people.” פְּדוּת does not mean διαστολή, division (lxx, Vulg.),
but redemption, deliverance. Exemption from this plague was
essentially deliverance for Israel ,
which manifested the distinction conferred upon Israel above the Egyptians. By this
plague, in which a separation and deliverance was established between the
people of God and the Egyptians, Pharaoh was to be taught that the God who sent
this plague was not some deity of Egypt, but
“Jehovah in the midst of the land” (of Egypt);
i.e., as Knobel correctly
interprets it, (a) that Israel's God was the author of the plague; (b)
that He had also authority over Egypt; and (c) that He possessed supreme
authority: or, to express it still more concisely, that Israel's God was the
Absolute God, who ruled both in and over Egypt with free and boundless
Exo_8:24-27 : This plague, by which the land was destroyed (תִּשָּׁחֵת), or desolated, inasmuch as the flies not only tortured, “devoured” (Psa_78:45) the men, and disfigured them by the swellings
produced by their sting, but also killed the plants in which they deposited their eggs, so
alarmed Pharaoh that he sent for Moses and Aaron, and gave them permission to
sacrifice to their God “in the land.”
But Moses could not consent to this restriction. “It is not appointed so to do” (נָכֹון does not mean aptum,
conveniens, but statutum,
rectum), for two reasons: (1)
because sacrificing in the land would be an abomination to the Egyptians, and
would provoke them most bitterly (Exo_8:26); and (2) because they could only sacrifice
to Jehovah their God as He had directed them (Exo_8:27). The
abomination referred to did not consist in their sacrificing animals which the
Egyptians regarded as holy. For the word תֹּועֵבָה (abomination)
would not be applicable to the sacred animals. Moreover, the cow was the only
animal offered in sacrifice by the Israelites, which the Egyptians regarded as
sacred. The abomination would rather be this, that the Iran would not carry out
the rigid regulations observed by the Egyptians with regard to the cleanness of
the sacrificial animals (vid., Hengstenberg, p. 114), and in fact would not observe the sacrificial rites of the Egyptians at all.
The Egyptians would be very likely to look upon this as an insult to their
religion and their gods; “the violation of the recognised mode of sacrificing
would be regarded as a manifestation of contempt for themselves and their gods”
(Calvin), and this would so
enrage them that they would stone the Israelites. .............
Psa 91:7 A thousand fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand; But
it does not come near you.
Psa 91:8 Only with your
eyes you look on, and see the reward
of the wrong ones (wicked).
Psa 91:9 Because you have made יהוה – My refuge, the Most High – your dwelling place,
Psa 91:10 No evil befalls you, and a
plague does not come near your tent (the tent is your body);
Psa 91:14 “Because he
cleaves to Me in love, Therefore I deliver him; I set him on high, Because he has known My Name.
91:15 “When he calls on Me, I answer him; I am with him in distress; I deliver him and esteem him Psa 91:16 “With long life (everlasting) I satisfy him, and show him My deliverance.”
The Psalm 91 is known to be a messianic Psalm for the time of the great tribulation.
Exo 8:23
“and I shall put a distinction between
My people and your people. Tomorrow this sign shall be.” ’ ”
Exo 8:24
and יהוה did so, and thick swarms of flies came into the house of
Pharaoh, and into his servants’ houses, and into all the land of Mitsrayim, and the land was ruined because of the
swarms of flies.
Concerning flies, I found interesting details from Jamieson, Fausset and Brown:
Exo_8:20-24. Plague of flies. Rise up early ... Pharaoh; lo, he
cometh forth to the water, etc. — Pharaoh still appearing obdurate,
Moses was ordered to meet him while walking on the banks of the Nile and repeat
his request for the liberation of Israel, threatening in case of continued
refusal to cover every house from the palace to the cottage with swarms of
flies - while, as a proof of the power that accomplished this judgment, the
land of Goshen should be exempted from the calamity. The appeal was equally
vain as before, and the predicted evil overtook the country in the form of what
was not “flies,” such as we are
accustomed to, but divers sorts of flies (Psa_78:45), the gad fly, the cockroach, the
Egyptian beetle, for all these are mentioned by different writers. They are
very destructive, some of them inflicting severe bites on animals, others
destroying clothes, books, plants, every thing. The worship of flies, particularly of the beetle, was a prominent
part of the religion of the ancient Egyptians. The employment of these winged
deities to chastise them must have been painful and humiliating to the
Egyptians while it must at the same time have strengthened the faith of the
Israelites in the God of their fathers as the only object of worship. Rev 18:1 and after this I saw another messenger coming down
from the heaven, having great authority, and the earth was lightened from his
Rev 18:2
and he cried with a mighty voice, saying, “Baḇel the great is fallen, is
fallen, and has become a dwelling
place of demons, a haunt for
every unclean spirit, and a haunt for
every unclean and hated bird,
The connection between Sh’mot
8:24 and Revelation 18:2 are not obvious, but let us see. We see that Yochanan in Revelation speaks of Babylon , which of course is spiritual because at the
time he wrote, Babylon was already destroyed at least
under the form it existed before. Is Babylon today,
the World and its system? There are many different opinions. But for now let us
see. HaSatan is also called be’elsebub
(Matt 12:27) or ba’alsebuth: “Lord
of the flies”. The flies represent the demons working for HaSatan. So here we can come closer to
see that the “land was ruined because of the swarms of flies” "Sh’mot 8:24" and is a shadow
of Babylon
becoming a dwelling place of demons (swam of flies) in Revelation 18:2. Do you
think the all world do not go after demons? How it is then that so many people
reject the truth, preferring the teaching of “humanism”, “hedonism”
“immorality”, following the laws of men rather than the Torah?.........
Fifth Plague:
Exo 9:3 see, the hand of יהוה is on your livestock in the field, on the
horses, on the donkeys, on the camels, on the cattle, and on the sheep
– a very grievous pestilence. Exo 9:4 “And יהוה shall separate between the livestock of Yisra’ĕl and the
livestock of Mitsrayim, and let no matter die of all that belongs to the
children of Yisra’ĕl.” ’ ” …….
We have already seen that we
don’t have to fear “pestilence” as it
is written in Psalm 91......
דּבר deber BDB Definition:
pestilence, plague 2) murrain, cattle disease, cattle-plague
....We have already seen "bird flu", Cattle disease
like Kreutzfeld Jacob the cow
disease, and many other plagues killing animals “bird flu”. Almost all animals today are raised with “antibiotic” even fish farm. In Europe people like to eat salmon and they don't even
realize that they are raised in fish farm in some countries and are injected
with “antibiotic” in order to
survive. Pigs cannot today grow without been injected with many vaccines in order to feed for human's consumption.
Exo 9:6 and יהוה did this word on the next day, and all the livestock of Mitsrayim died, but of the livestock of the children of Yisra’ĕl, not one died.
Rev 6:8
and I looked and saw a pale horse. and
he who sat on it had the name Death, and the grave followed with him. and
authority was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword (war), and with hunger (famine), and with death, and by the
beasts of the earth (animal diseases, pestilance).
Sixth Plague: Exo 9:8 and יהוה said to Mosheh and Aharon, “Fill
your hands with ashes from a furnace and let Mosheh scatter it toward the
heavens before the eyes of Pharaoh. Exo 9:9 “and it shall
become fine dust in all the land of Mitsrayim, and it shall cause boils that break out in sores on man and beast in all the land of Mitsrayim.” Exo 9:10 So they took ashes from the
furnace and stood before Pharaoh, and Mosheh scattered them toward the
heavens. And they caused boils, breaking out in sores on man and beast.
This sound like pandemic
we have Cancer, AIDS and many other mortal diseases in the all world; dengue brought by Mosquitoes and many
other plagues whereby many people die. Verse
9 sounds also like reaction after an atomic explosion through the atomic
radiation (ashes falling from heavens) which
causes boils (burning inflammations)
and sores on men and beast……………..
Rev 16:2 and the first went and poured out his bowl upon the earth, and an evil and wicked sore came upon the men, those having the mark of the beast and those worshipping his image.
Isa 48:10 behold, I have refined thee, but not with
silver; I have chosen thee in the
furnace of affliction. ……………..;
The Seventh Plague:
Exo 9:18 “See, tomorrow about this time I am causing very heavy hail to rain down, such as has
not been in Mitsrayim, from the day of its founding until now. ...Exo 9:26 Only in the
land of Goshen, where the children of Yisra’ĕl were, there was no hail.
Once again a plague that do not touch יהוה’s people!
Rev 8:7
and the first messenger sounded, and
there came to be hail and fire mixed with blood, and they were thrown to the earth. and a third of the trees were burned up, and
all green grass was burned up
Eze 38:17 ‘Thus said the
Master יהוה, “Are you the one I
spoke of in former days by My servants the prophets of Yisra’ĕl, who prophesied for years in those days,
to bring you against them? Eze 38:21 “And I shall call for a sword against Goḡ on all My
mountains,” declares the Master יהוה, “the sword of each one being against his
brother. Eze 38:22 “and I shall judge him with pestilence
and blood, and rain down flooding rain and hailstones, fire and sulphur,
on him and on his bands and on the
many peoples who are with him.
Psa 148:8 Fire and hail, snow and clouds, Stormy wind
that does (listen) His word,
One question can be asked: What
is the purpose of all this plagues; we know that יהוה is able to have destroyed Pharaoh
in one action. He say that he raised Pharaoh in order to show his power and
that His name may be declared throughout the earth. Today people do not know anything, they
pretend to know and believe “G-d” for
a majority but deny is power by their works. People do not know anything
regarding what happen all around the world, earthquake, flood, volcano
eruption, tsunami , landslide, pandemic, they run to the local “church”, burn candle, pray to “maria” or “jesus” or other “g-ds”
they accept what the call “fatality”,
but refuse to change their life style to turn back to the truth. May יהוה have mercy and turn back the heart of some of them and
let us keep praying. Can you imagine
that your Heavenly Father, who gave
His Son, will let you dye in such evil way?
Pro 3:5 Trust in YHWH with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
We see change in some Egyptians:
9:20 Those among the servants of Pharaoh who
feared the word of יהוה made their
servants and livestock flee to the houses. ………… These are those who later will follow the Children of Israel walking behind Moshe into the wilderness.
Exo 7:1 So יהוה said to Mosheh, “See, I have made
you an elohim1 to Pharaoh, and Aharon your
brother is your prophet...
Exo 8:17 and they did so, and Aharon
stretched out his hand with his rod and struck the dust of the earth, and it
became gnats on man and beast. All the dust of the land became gnats in all the
land of Mitsrayim ....
Exo 9:29 and Mosheh said to him, “As soon as I go out of the city, let me spread out my hands to יהוה, let the thunder cease and the hail be no more, so that you know that the earth belongs to יהוה.
Exo 9:29 and Mosheh said to him, “As soon as I go out of the city, let me spread out my hands to יהוה, let the thunder cease and the hail be no more, so that you know that the earth belongs to יהוה.
Psa 24:1 The
earth is YHWH's, and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell
Exo 9:30 “But as for you and your
servants, I know that you do not yet fear before יהוה Elohim.”...
Exo 9:35 and the heart of Pharaoh was
hardened, and he did not let the children of Yisra’ĕl go, as יהוה had said through Mosheh.
in the Psalms:
Psa 78:42 They remembered not his hand, nor
the day when he delivered them from the enemy.
Psa 78:43 how he had wrought his signs in Egypt, and his wonders
in the field of Zoan:
Psa 78:44 and had turned their rivers into blood; and their
floods, that they could not drink.
Psa 78:45 He sent divers sorts of flies among them, which
devoured them; and frogs, which destroyed them.
Psa 78:46 He gave also their increase unto the caterpiller, and
their labour unto the locust. Psa 78:47 He destroyed their vines with hail, and their sycomore
trees with frost.
Psa 78:48 He gave up their cattle also to the
hail, and their flocks to hot thunderbolts.
Psa 78:49 He cast upon them the fierceness of his anger, wrath,
and indignation, and trouble, by sending evil angels among them.
Psa 78:50 He made a way to his anger; he spared not their soul
from death, but gave their life over to the pestilence;
Psa 78:51 and smote all the firstborn in Egypt ; the
chief of their strength in the tabernacles of Ham (Ham son of Noach).
Psa 105:27 They shewed his signs among them,
and wonders in the land of Ham .
Psa 105:28 He sent darkness, and made it dark; and they rebelled
not against his word.
Psa 105:29 He turned their waters into blood, and slew their
Psa 105:30 Their land brought forth frogs in abundance, in the
chambers of their kings.
Psa 105:31 He spake, and there came divers sorts of flies, and
lice in all their coasts.
Psa 105:32 He gave them hail for rain, and flaming fire in their
Psa 105:33 He smote their vines also and their
fig trees and brake the trees of their coasts. Psa 105:34 He spake, and the locusts came, and
caterpillers, and that without number,
Psa 105:35 and did eat up all the herbs in their land, and
devoured the fruit of their ground. Psa 105:36 He smote also all the firstborn in
their land, the chief of all their strength.
The prophet Yechezk'el
speaks what is still to happen in our days. We can see the similarity in
the prophet and action which shall happen.
Eze 28:25 ‘Thus said the Master יהוה, “When I have gathered
the house of Yisra’ĕl from the peoples among whom they are scattered, I
shall be set-apart in them before the eyes of the gentiles. And they shall
dwell in their own land which I gave to My servant Yaʽaqoḇ. Eze 28:26 “And they shall dwell safely,
and build houses, and plant vineyards, and dwell safely, when I execute
judgments on all those around them who despise them. And they shall know that I
am יהוה their Elohim.”
Even after many centuries, יהוה remember Pahraoh's arrogance and will give up the land into the hand of Neḇuḵaḏretstsar. This doesn't mean that Neḇuḵaḏretstsar was righteous, but that יהוה can use whom
he wants when he wants:
Pro 16:4 YHWH hath made all things for himself: yea, even the wicked for the day of evil.
This we should know in order to
be able to understand what is going on in the earth today. We hear on TV that
people make wars because they want to establish "their way of life" which they count better. US are
involved in many wars and now have call together many other nations to join
their war on terrorism. Many people
think that Christians are victorious
because they do in the Name of G-d. They may be instrument in the hand of יהוה just like Neḇuḵaḏretstsar was, this doesn't mean that they are righteous.
Eze 29:1 In the tenth
year, in the tenth month, on the twelfth of the month, the word of יהוה came to me, saying, Eze 29:2 “Son of man, set your face against Pharaoh the sovereign
of Mitsrayim, and prophesy against him,
and against Mitsrayim, all of it.
Eze 29:3 “Speak, and you shall say, ‘Thus
said the Master יהוה, “See, I am against you, O Pharaoh sovereign of Mitsrayim, O
great monster who lies in the midst of his rivers, who has said, ‘My River is
my own, and I, I have made it for myself.’
Eze 29:4 “And I shall put hooks in your jaws (to force you), and I shall make the
fish of your rivers cling to your scales. And I shall bring you up out of the
midst of your rivers, and all the fish in your rivers cling to your scales.
Eze 29:5 “And I shall leave you in the
wilderness, you and all the fish of your rivers. On the face of the field you
shall fall, and you shall not be picked up or gathered. I shall give you as
food to the beasts of the field and to the birds of the heavens. Eze 29:6 “And all the inhabitants of
Mitsrayim shall know that I am יהוה, because they
have been a staff of reed to the house of Yisra’ĕl. Eze 29:7 “When they grasped you with the
hand, you broke and tore all their shoulders. When they leaned on you, you
broke and made all their loins shake.”
Eze 29:8 ‘Therefore thus said the Master יהוה, “See, I am bringing a sword upon you and shall cut off from
you man and beast. Eze 29:9 “And the land
of Mitsrayim shall become
a desert and a waste. And they shall know that I am יהוה, because he said, ‘The River is mine, and I have made it.’ Eze 29:10 “Therefore see, I am against you and against your
rivers, and shall make the land of Mitsrayim an utter waste and a desert, from Miḡdol
to Sewĕnĕh, as far as the border of Kush . Eze 29:11 “No foot of man shall pass
through it, nor foot of beast pass through it, neither shall it be inhabited for forty years. Eze 29:12 “And I shall make the land of Mitsrayim a desert in the midst of the
lands that are waste. And among the cities that are ruined, her cities shall be
a waste forty years. And I shall scatter the Mitsrites among the nations, and I
shall disperse them throughout the lands.” Eze 29:13 ‘For thus said the Master יהוה, “At the end of forty years I shall gather the Mitsrites from
the peoples among whom they were scattered. Eze 29:14 “and I shall turn back the
captivity of Mitsrayim and I shall bring them back to the land of Pathros ,
to the land of their birth, and there they shall be a lowly reign, Eze 29:15 being the lowliest of reigns,
and never again exalt itself above the nations. And I shall make them few so as
not to rule over the nations. Eze 29:16 “and no longer is it to be the
refuge of the house of Yisra’ĕl, bringing to remembrance their crookedness when
they turned to follow them. And they shall know that I am the Master יהוה.” ’ ” Eze 29:17 and it came to be in the twenty-seventh year, in the first
month, on the first of the month, that the word of יהוה came to me, saying,
Eze 29:18 “Son of man, Neḇuḵaḏretstsar
sovereign of Baḇel made his army to serve a great service against Tsor, every
head was made bald and every shoulder worn bare. But he and his army received
no reward from Tsor, for the service he served against it. Eze 29:19 “Therefore thus said the Master יהוה, ‘See, I am giving
the land of Mitsrayim to Neḇuḵaḏretstsar
sovereign of Baḇel. And he shall take away her wealth, take her spoil,
and remove her pillage. And it shall be a reward for his army. Eze 29:20 ‘I have given him the land of Mitsrayim as a reward for his labour,
because they worked for Me,’ declares the Master יהוה.
Eze 29:21 ‘In that day I shall make the
horn of the house of Yisra’ĕl to spring forth, while I open your mouth to speak
in their midst. And they shall know that I am יהוה.’ ” …………..The
question in the words of Yechezk’El is
to know who is Mitzrayim? It looks
like Israel is called by the name Mitzrayim, Pharaoh another name for HaSatan! Why do I say that? Because the forty years can be also a symbol
in the sod of the 40 x 50 (Yovel
years) and thus make two thousand years, the time space between the two advents
of Messiah! ………….Compare with reading from another
Isa 19:18 in that day shall five cities in
the land of Egypt speak the language of Canaan, and swear to YHWH of hosts;
one shall be called, The city of destruction. Isa 19:19 an that day
shall there be an altar to YHWH in the midst of the land of Egypt, and a pillar
at the border thereof to YHWH. Isa 19:20 and it shall be for a sign and for a
witness unto YHWH of hosts in the land
of Egypt: for they (who are they?) shall cry unto YHWH because of the
oppressors, and he shall send them a savior
(who is the Savior?), and a great one and he shall deliver them. Isa 19:21 and YHWH shall
be known to Egypt, and the Egyptians shall know YHWH in that day, and shall
do sacrifice and oblation; yea, they shall vow a vow unto YHWH, and perform it.
19:22 and YHWH shall smite Egypt: he shall
smite and heal it: and they shall return
even to YHWH, and he shall be intreated of them, and shall heal them.
Isa 19:23 In that day shall there be a highway out of Egypt to Assyria, and the
Assyrian shall come into Egypt, and the Egyptian into Assyria, and the Egyptians
shall serve with the Assyrians. Isa 19:24 in that day shall Israel be the
third with Egypt and with Assyria, even a blessing in the midst of the land: Isa 19:25 Whom YHWH of hosts shall bless, saying, Blessed be Egypt my people, and
Assyria the work of my hands, and Israel mine inheritance.
When reading the words of the prophet Yeshayahu we should have in mind that Egypt is a picture of the world as it is
today. Sometime Yerushlayim is called
Lebanon also, because the cedar used
to build the Temple came from Lebanon.
Cedar is also a picture of pride!
Rom 9:14 What, then, shall we say? Is there unrighteousness
with Elohim? Let it not be! Rom 9:15
for He says to Mosheh, “I shall favour
whomever I favour, and I shall have compassion on whomever I have compassion.”
9:16 so,
then, it is not of him who is wishing,
nor of him who is running, but of Elohim who shows favour. Rom 9:17 for the Scripture says to Pharaoh, “For this same
purpose I have raised you up, to show My power in you, and that My Name be declared
in all the earth.”
Rom 9:18
So, then, He favours whom He wishes, and
He hardens whom He wishes. Rom 9:19
Then you shall say to me, “Why does He still find fault? For who has resisted
His counsel?” Rom 9:20
but who are you, O man, to talk back to Elohim? Shall that which is formed say
to him who formed it, “Why have you made me like this?” Rom 9:21 does not the potter have authority over the clay,
from the same lump to make one vessel for value and another not for value? Rom 9:22 and if Elohim, desiring to show wrath, and to make
His power known, with much patience tolerated the vessels of wrath prepared for
destruction, Rom 9:23
and that He might make known the riches of His esteem on vessels of compassion,
which He had prepared beforehand for esteem, Rom 9:24 even whom He called, not only us of the Yehuḏim, but
also of the gentiles?
Heb 3:1 Therefore, set-apart brothers, partakers of the
heavenly calling, closely consider the Emissary and High Priest of our
confession, Messiah יהושע, . Heb 3:2 who was trustworthy to Him who
appointed Him, as also Mosheh in all His house. Heb 3:3 for this One has been deemed
worthy of more esteem than Mosheh, as much as He who built the house enjoys
more respect than the house. Heb 3:4 for every house is built by someone,
but He who built all is Elohim. Heb 3:5 and Mosheh indeed was
trustworthy in all His house as a servant, for
a witness of what would be spoken later,
Heb 3:6 but Messiah as a Son over His own house, whose house we are if we
hold fast the boldness and the boasting of the expectation firm to the end.
May יהוה bless you and keep you as you follow our Master יהושע in the Torah.
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